Did you know that people are using Labor Day as a sort of new beginning? In the same way that people set goals for themselves for the New Year, there are many people that are taking the time to set or reset some goals for themselves over the Labor Day weekend.

I think part of it is because it’s back to school time. By Labor Day, all the schools including colleges are back in session. So this is a great time to set some goals about how you want the first semester of school to look like. But you don’t have to be a student or a parent to take this time out for yourself.

I think any reason to sit down and think about what you want out of the next few months is a good idea. Maybe you’ve been saying for some time now that you wanted to get into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Kickboxing, but you haven’t made the effort because it’s just been so nice out. Now would be a great time to get started. It reminds me of that thought ‘When is the best time to plant a tree?’ Maybe the answer is 100 years ago or 20 years ago, but if you didn’t do it then, then the best time is now. You’ve been thinking about it forever, for you or for your kid, and maybe you came in and tried it a bit, but you weren’t ready to make the commitment. If that’s the case, let’s do another free 30 days to try it out. Come check out the new RMGA for 30 days and see if it’s right for you.

If you are already training, maybe it’s your goal to compete before the end of the year! There is a Fuji tournament coming up on October 1st (which just happens to be my birthday eve – which is another great time for reflection and goal setting).

Maybe you have a goal to work towards that next stripe or belt. I never think that a belt or a stripe should be your goal, but working towards it, to be the person that deserves it, can be. You are not in complete control over getting that next promotion, but you can work towards being the person that earns it.

Whatever your goals are for this semester of life, take some time to think about it and write them down. I would love for you to share them with me too! And if you need help reaching your goals, we are here to help!